The story of the
Crazy Tree Art Gallery
The language of the Earth has long since been forgotten. She speaks to us through shifts in the natural rhythm of our planet. From the loss of select species to ruin in our flooded cities, she calls us to action through a changing and destructive climate.
Crazy Tree Art Gallery is dedicated to giving a voice to Nature. Through artistic medium, we aspire to generate the publics’ interest in the matters effecting our World. By bringing attention to the destruction of Nature’s gifts, we hope to facilitate a connection between humanity and the Earth once more.
Created by Jessica Scott, renowned tattoo and realism artist, Crazy Tree Art Gallery operates on the belief that inspired work inspires people. We trust we can shift the vision of the few into the vision of the many through artistic creation. By developing and distributing art, Crazy Tree Art Gallery is inspiring the World community to build a deep relationship with nature, encouraging its protection.

Jessica’s Beliefs
Nature is the birthplace of imagination, creation, and inspiration.
Spending time in nature is essential to the wellbeing of our bodies and our souls.
Preserving our Earth is the goal, art is the method, your participation is the key.
If we do not make a change now, we won’t have a future to change.
Each year, the Amazon rainforest will absorb 2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide. By allowing the forest to become endangered, we risk the destruction of the Earth’s most effective carbon filtration system.
What’s more, the deforestation of the Amazon releases more carbon in to the atmosphere than the World’s transport and farming sectors combined. We are destroying the most powerful carbon filtration and storage system in the World as we simultaneously release more carbon in to the atmosphere.
Action needs to be taken before the damage is irreversible. Keeping our rainforests intact is by far the world’s simplest and most cost effective way to mitigate climate change.
Through our universal need for the many resources the Amazon provides, humanity is reminded of its unity through its dependence.
In our accelerated culture, the rate at which we take has long since surpassed the rate at which we give. Crazy Tree Art Gallery intends to tip the scales back towards equality, correcting our World’s currently skewed balance.
Why it Matters
The Amazon Forest is a universal phenomenon, equally as beautiful as it is integral to our World’s precious eco-system. Though you may live in a part of the World that seems far away from needing to understand this endangered forest, the Amazon is part of a finite balance that our entire Earth depends on.
The destruction of this space threatens to diminish our Planet’s oxygen and water supply, endangering life in every part of the World.
Tropical forests, like the Amazon rainforest, have the ability to naturally sequester carbon. These amazing forests remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it, playing a huge role in the prevention and management of global warming and climate change.

The Cool Earth Approach
Jessica works in partnership with the Cool Earth foundation. She has chosen Cool Earth as her charitable partner based on their unique, well-rounded approach to protecting and preserving the Amazon forest and its people.
Cool Earth’s primary focus is to empower, and encourage the local populaces of the Amazon. Their approach to saving the Amazon Forest begins with investing in the communities that will ultimately protect and cultivate the forest’s sustainability.
By giving the Amazon people the tools as well as the confidence they need to make the best decisions for their home, the forest is healed through a foundational, ground up approach.
Cool Earth knows that providing the proper infrastructure is paramount to creating lasting change.
How Crazy Tree is Making a Difference
Through the creation and sale of art, Crazy Tree Art Gallery is able to cultivate a steady flow of donation income. Each art piece sold contributes 50% of its profits to the Cool Earth Foundation. Crazy Tree is providing a platform for the artist and the buyer alike, enabling both to make a difference through their participation. Crazy Tree invites other artists to inquire about how they too can offer their work through Crazy Tree Art Gallery, joining the movement to help save our Earth.
Through the creation of art, we intend to inspire the motivation to act. Join us.
The Cool Earth Protocol
The Cool Earth team works with local Amazon people who desire change. An in-country team is assembled and placed within each charity-active community, helping the local charities in the development of their forest preservation methods.
Cool Earth understands that one size does not fit all. They take the time and care to discern the best ways to work together and implement methods tailored to best serve each community. With the locals, the Cool Earth team works to identify the threats and motivations behind deforestation unique to each area.
Through shared vision and planning, long term goals are established for each community partnership. These goals vary from the development of viable income, provision of education, or the creation of a more reliable food supply.
Cool Earth believes that strong communities are the principle solution to the long term protection of the Amazon. Through the investing of time, finances, and knowledge, they believe a permanent impact will result.
Cool Earth continuously provides updates on the status of both the progress and challenges they and their community partners face, daily.
‘We speak for those whose voices are softest, we speak for those who most need to be heard. We speak for those whose language’s forgotten, through our actions we speak louder than words.’