Jessica Scott

Jessica Scott believes in the power of art. This young painter has seen firsthand the transformative effect it can have – not only in her growing admirers but in her own life. 

“Painting was my escape,” she says. “I had what you might call a tumultuous childhood. I fell into art, and soon after my passion for surrealism followed. It just felt natural and very real for me. It gave me what I was looking for:to connect with what was inside of me, and share it with others.” 

For Jessica, painting is a demanding process, one that often leaves her drained and exhausted. She wouldn’t have it any other way. 

“I don’t just love to do it, I need to do it,” she explained. Although her career is just now taking off, she has a clear vision for what she wants to accomplish. Jessica sees her art as a chance to a share a unique interpretation of nature. It is, in her mind, a duty of the artist to remind people or the everyday beauty in life.

A crucial part of that creative is honesty. As a surrealist, those who view her work have to believe in the sincerity of the work to fully experience that all-too important emotional connection. That honesty – to never compromise on her vision – can leave her feeling vulnerable, and even naked. But as her talents continue to grow, so does her confidence.

“I am not scared anymore,”she says. “I believe in my work and I’ve seen how it can move people. If I’ve shared something of myself and give someone the chance to stop and feel something they’ve never felt before, then anything I’ve created is a success.”

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